Publication Ethics

To uphold the highest standards of scientific integrity and ethical conduct, the New Valley Journal of Agricultural Science will implement the following publication ethics standards, aligned with COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines:

  1. Addressing Misconduct: The journal will have a robust and transparent process for handling allegations of misconduct, ensuring prompt and impartial investigation both before and after publication.
  2. Authorship and Collaboration: Clear, unambiguous criteria for authorship will be established, and transparent processes will be implemented to address any disputes regarding author contributions.
  3. Addressing Complaints: A well-defined and accessible process for handling complaints against the journal, its staff, editorial board, or publisher will be in place, ensuring fairness and due process.
  4. Managing Conflicts of Interest: The journal will establish clear definitions and processes for managing conflicts of interest for all parties involved, including authors, reviewers, editors, the journal itself, and the publisher.
  5. Data Transparency and Reproducibility: The journal will actively encourage authors to share data, promote the use of reporting guidelines, and encourage registration of study designs to enhance the reproducibility of published research.
  6. Ethical Research Practices: Policies will be implemented to ensure ethical oversight, including informed consent for publication, adherence to ethical guidelines for research involving humans or animals, and responsible handling of confidential data.
  7. Protecting Intellectual Property: Clear policies on intellectual property, including copyright and publishing licenses, will be established and communicated transparently to authors.
  8. Streamlined Journal Operations: The journal will ensure efficient management and robust infrastructure, supported by effective training for editorial board members and staff.
  9. Transparent Peer Review: The peer review process will be transparent and managed effectively, with appropriate training provided to editors and reviewers to ensure high-quality, impartial assessments.
  10. Post-Publication Accountability: Mechanisms will be in place to facilitate post-publication discussions, corrections, revisions, or retractions, ensuring accountability and transparency in the scientific record.

By adhering to these principles, the New Valley Journal of Agricultural Science will contribute to maintaining the integrity of the scholarly literature and promoting ethical practices in scientific publication.

For detailed information on COPE guidelines, please visit: